Mercury 2.0 is our client platform and provides your analysts with relevant intelligence and prioritized alerts curated by our Intelligence Analysts. Mercury houses a curated knowledge bases including 1,000+ sources, 17,000+ vetted intelligence tickets, Threat Actor, Technology, Vulnerability, and Country Knowledge Bases, actionable indicators, and mitigations tailored to your organization.

Why Mercury?

Mercury houses over 17,000 intelligence tickets and counting. Our Analysts apply scores to all intelligence provided to indicate its relevancy to the user. Therefore, it is easy to identify intelligence fitting your industry. Additionally, we send alerts & warnings to our clients that point out critical vulnerabilities, industry attacks with a high likelihood of targeting their organizations & more.

Through Mercury, you can access Finished Intelligence 24/7. The platform allows you to search and tailor intelligence pertinent to your needs. Request ad-hoc intel reports whenever you require thorough analyses. Additionally, through Mercury, your team grants access to our Intelligence Analysts. On demand, our analysts support your cyber defense center whenever particular expertise or additional staff is needed.

Mercury presents Finished Intelligence intuitively, making information easy to digest and actions quickly to derive. All intelligence in Mercury is vetted, allowing your analysts to focus on operational tasks. Within Mercury, analysts can view mapped ATT&CK techniques, validated Indicators of Compromise, and suggestions to close security gaps for opportunistic and targeted threats.

Through Mercury, you stay informed of potential risks  –such as attack campaigns, data leakages , or brand exposure – that are targeting your organization.

It provides you with threats targeting your tech stack and supply chain, and cyber and geopolitical events that may put your company in the crosshairs of new adversaries; and much more.

Security intelligence demands high investments into infrastructure maintenance and technology. Our Analysts exploit the latest AI and ML technology to crawl hundreds of sources and find attack patterns, so you don’t have to.

Therefore, we provide you quickly with reports ranging from technical malware reversing and analysis to strategic intelligence forecasting. Additionally, we offer hyper-customized weekly intelligence reportings that fit your organization’s needs perfectly.

Concentrate on responding to incidents and patching against vulnerabilities in your operational systems based on the information we curate for you. Monitoring, collecting, reporting, and mitigation planning happens all within Mercury!

All analyses and reporting in Mercury come with a proven recommended course of action to apply within your environment.

Further, the MITRE ATT&CK Framework is fully integrated into Mercury, providing additional defense capabilities to close security gaps.

Additionally, you can request support from our intelligence experts directly from within Mercury at any time. Therefore, you can leverage further support, knowledge, and skills on short notice.

And many other benefits and functions:

How You Work With Finished Intelligence in Mercury 


Access and monitor 1,000+ sources supported by AI technology.


Curate your data and contextualize your intelligence.


Enrich your intelligence with high-quality research and analysis.


Utilize Finished Intelligence on incidents and attack groups for your  reporting.


Respond based on recommended courses of action and supported by intelligence experts. 

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