Raising Leroy Merlin Italia’s Threat Intelligence Maturity to a Higher Level

Learn how QuoIntelligence helped raise Leroy Merlin Italia's Threat Intelligence Maturity

Leroy Merlin is an international home improvement and gardening retailer, founded in 1960. Headquartered in France. 

In Italy, with 53 stores and 28 million annual customers, security has always been a top priority for Leroy Merlin Italia (LMIT). Its customer data is its lifeblood, and it recognizes it must be protected accordingly. As part of its cybersecurity strategy, LMIT approached QuoIntelligence to ensure the highest level of security protection for its Italian network infrastructure. 

Download the White Paper for the full case study including LMIT’s initial requirements and how QuoIntelligence’s offering delivered against them.

QuoIntelligence Added Value

The results of applying QuoIntelligence’s Threat Intelligence into LMIT’s daily operations can be split across two categories: Technical and Business-oriented.

  • Technical:
    • Faster response:
      Reduction of the time to manage vulnerabilities and take the countermeasures necessary to mitigate emerging risks and threats
    • Better service to the SOC:
      Continuous flow of Tactical Intelligence (eg Indicators of Comprise) to the SOC
    • Higher awareness:
      Especially of the ongoing geopolitical crisis
    • Improved support to Leroy Merlin’s Legal Team:
      Through analysis provided in reports on ongoing fraud and brand abuse campaigns
    • Fraud reduction:
      Taking down of online brand abuse and customer fraud campaigns
    • Improved customer data protection:
      Protection of customer accounts through active monitoring of the Dark Web
  • Business: 
    • Better and clearer internal communication:
      Able to provide clear and understandable results reporting to the rest of the company and board of directors
    • Better support to internal business units
    • Improved marketplace visibility:
      Able to actively monitor geographic marketplaces and correlate with events in specific stores
    • Overall Risk Protection
      Having a better information awareness of potential LMIT’s threat landscape and how its assets are exposed to it, allows it to reduce its Operational Risk

The Infostealer Malware Domino Effect

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QuoIntelligence informs decision-makers of current and potential cyber and geopolitical threats by providing customized Finished Intelligence reports. Our team of experts provides full contextual analyses to produce top-quality Intelligence and to better enable organizations to mitigate risk.

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Raising Leroy Merlin Italia’s Threat Intelligence Maturity to a Higher Level

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