QuoIntelligence Risk Intelligence Service enhances your organization’s risk management by offering deep insights into current operations and identifying underlying security risks in day-to-day business activities

Geopolitical Intelligence Description

Geopolitical Intelligence Description

Gain insights into global events and anticipate political risks that could impact your business

Compliance Monitoring Description

Compliance Monitoring Description

Navigate regulatory challenges with tailored intelligence to keep your business compliant and penalty-free

Supply Chain DRP Description

Supply Chain DRP Description

Extend Digital Risk Protection to monitor your suppliers, identifying risks that could affect your operations

What Is Risk Intelligence
& why is it crucial?

We live and operate in a global reality. Materials, components, products & services are crossing the globe with increasing speed and complexity. While complexity increases, processes are harder to monitor. This often leads to new risk exposure or undetected risks, especially in supply chain management and fields influenced by Geopolitics. Risk Intelligence supports your organization’s risk management by analyzing current operations and understanding underlying risks in day-to-day business

Proactive Risk Intelligence for Informed Decision-Making

At QuoIntelligence we aim to be proactive rather than reactive. Whether traveling for business or purchasing new technology, our risks intelligence helps to identify gaps in your security. We support you in further facilitating mitigation processes or implementing frameworks. For our clients, we collect and aggregate relevant information from various sources and identify risks by exploiting the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. We consequently deliver concise, actionable insights, customized reports, and trusted advisories highlighting the threat level posed to the organization to minimize the potential impact on your business.  By doing this, we provide you with a valuable advantage: more time for informed decision-making

Proactive Risk Intelligence for Informed Decision-Making

At QuoIntelligence we aim to be proactive rather than reactive. Whether traveling for business or purchasing new technology, our risks intelligence helps to identify gaps in your security. We support you in further facilitating mitigation processes or implementing frameworks. For our clients, we collect and aggregate relevant information from various sources and identify risks by exploiting the latest artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies. We consequently deliver concise, actionable insights, customized reports, and trusted advisories highlighting the threat level posed to the organization to minimize the potential impact on your business. By doing this, we provide you with a valuable advantage: more time for informed decision-making

Supply Chain Risk Monitoring

Designed to help you identify and mitigate risks associated with your suppliers. This module grants you access to critical intelligence on suppliers, enabling proactive monitoring of potential threats. It offers insights into the following areas:

Data Breaches

Detects disclosures of data breaches involving suppliers, both on public platforms and underground forums

Credential Leaks

Identifies critical credential leaks, including those involving administrative or privileged access accounts

Supplier Mentions in High-Risk Sources

Provides alerts on supplier mentions within high-risk, malicious, or illicit sources

This module empowers you to make informed decisions, reducing exposure to supply chain vulnerabilities and strengthening your overall security posture

Discover Mercury
Your central hub for Intelligence insight

Mercury grants you access to our threat intelligence services. It not only allows you to view and action alerts relevant to you, but also lets you leverage real-time, interactive, and customizable dashboards and more

Discover Mercury
Your central hub for Intelligence insight

Mercury grants you access to our threat intelligence services. It not only allows you to view and action alerts relevant to you, but also lets you leverage real-time, interactive, and customizable dashboards and more

Intelligence Catalogs:
An Essential Aspect of Our Risk Intelligence

Our enriched catalogs enhance your understanding of how Threat Actors, Malware Kits, Mitre techniques, or Vulnerabilities may impact your assets, supported by graphs and visualizations for more focused analysis and clearer conclusions

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