Decoding 2024’s Threat Landscape
Decoding 2024’s Threat Landscape: Cyber extortion to take innovative forms, AI at a crossroads, and geopolitics increasingly shaping the threat
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Decoding 2024’s Threat Landscape: Cyber extortion to take innovative forms, AI at a crossroads, and geopolitics increasingly shaping the threat
Eine neue Betrugsmasche hat es erfolgreich auf Unternehmen abgesehen, die ihre Angaben im Handelsregister kürzlich aktualisiert haben. Obwohl diese Rechnungen
A new scam is successfully targeting companies which have recently made updates to their information in the Handelsregister. Although convincing,
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Star Blizzard Shifts TTPs with WhatsApp Spear Phishing | Trump Revokes Executive Order Addressing AI Risks
In 2024, deepfakes played a pivotal role in several high-profile cases of financial fraud and targeted disinformation campaigns, underscoring their rising threat. QuoIntelligence analyzes the mechanisms behind deepfake creation, their fraudulent applications, and the underground economy fueling their proliferation.
Fortigate Firewalls Zero-Day Vulnerability Resulted in Sensitive Data Breach | US Adopts Tougher Sanctions To Curb Russian Oil Supply
QuoIntelligence forecasts the 2025 cyber threat landscape, assessing likely evolutions of the eCrime ecosystem and the impact of geopolitical dynamics on the cyber threat landscape.