Weekly Intelligence Snapshot – Week 27

QuoIntelligence gathered and processed the different Microsoft product updates in order to provide a clear overview of the different topics with relevant information for corporate environments. Additionally, our weekly provides the context and possible outlook of Russia importing goods, such as semiconductor and other IT products, without Right Holder Permissions.
Weekly Intelligence Summary from QuoIntelligence

QuoIntelligence’s Weekly Intelligence Snapshot for the week of 30 June – 6 July is now available! Find a summary here and subscribe to our mailing list below if you want to receive regular updates from us!

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Cyber Highlights


Relevant Activity Affecting Microsoft Products

Over the past two weeks, Microsoft and security researchers released different reports and advisories about Microsoft’s products. QuoIntelligence has gathered and processed the different reports in order to provide a clear overview of the different topics with relevant information for corporate environments.


Industries impacted: Energy, Financials, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, Utilities

  • Bumblebee: New Loader Assuming Central Position in Cybercrime Ecosystem
  • North Korean Actors Possibly Behind Harmony Cryptocurrency Heist
  • China Accuses the US of Deploying Malware in Chinese Infrastructures
  • Evasive Backdoor Dubbed “SessionManager” Linked to Activity of The Gelsemium Group
  • AstraLocker Ransomware Reportedly Shuts Down, Releases Decryptors
  • IconBurst: NPM Software Supply Chain Attack Leverages Typosquatting and Grabs Form Data
  • OpenSSL Security Advisory Patches a High Severity Memory Corruption Vulnerability That Could Lead to Remote Code Execution

Geo Highlights

Russia Responds to Sanctions by Importing Goods Without Right Holder Permission, Implements Frameworks to Counter Sanctions

Industries Impacted: Consumer Discretionary, Consumer Staples, Information Technology

Sanctions on Russia, together with reduced access to imported technologies, the exodus of foreign firms, and skilled Russian workers, will possibly have a long term impact on Russia’s economy. As a result, Russia is resorting to measures to limit the impact of sanctions, such as legalizing parallel imports, nationalizing foreign assets, admitting more Asian IT products into Russia, or resorting to its intelligence services to get technology. However, on parallel imports, Russia is unlikely to do this on a large scale as it will likely get continued support from allied countries.


Industries impacted: Energy, Financials, Government, Information Technology

  • Anti-money Laundering: EU Provisional Agreement on Transparency of Crypto Asset Transfers
  • The US And Israel Announced BIRD Cybersecurity Collaboration Program
  • EU Provisional Agreement to Regulate Companies Benefiting From Foreign Subsidies to Ensure Fair Competition
  • European Union Passes Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act To Regulate Big Tech
  • US Pushing Dutch Supplier To Stop Selling Chipmaking Technology To China
  • Volatile Global Energy Situation Update


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    Weekly Intelligence Snapshot – Week 27

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