Weekly Intelligence Snapshot – Week 03

Malware such as IceID and Rhadamanthys are employed, leading to stolen credentials and Ransomware infections.
Weekly Intelligence Summary from QuoIntelligence

QuoIntelligence’s Weekly Intelligence Snapshot for the week of 12 – 18 Jan is now available! Find a summary here and subscribe to our mailing list below if you want to receive regular updates from us!

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Cyber Highlights

Current threats

Google Ads Abused By Threat Actors To Distribute Malware

During December 2022 and early January, QuoIntelligence observed several campaigns leveraging Google Ads to trick their victims into downloading fake installers impersonating popular software suites. The fake installers download malware such as IceID or Rhadamanthys onto victims’ PCs, leading to stolen credentials or ultimately ransomware infections.


Industry impacted: Government

  • Details on Exploitation of FortiOS Critical RCE Vulneravility
  • PyPI Packages Continuously Used To Distribute Malware
  • Kasablanka: Targeting Russia With Loda RAT Leveraging Uncommon File Types

Geo Highlights

EU Announces Its Green Deal Industrial Plan to Compete With US And China Amid Enhanced Global Economic Competition

Industries impacted: Energy, Information Technology, Materials

The EU announced its Green Deal Industrial Plan at the World Economic Forum this week. QuoIntelligence analyzes the key takeaways of this plan as well as the main features of the ongoing geopolitical competition enhanced by the energy transition.


Industries impacted: Energy, Financials, Government, Health Care, Industrials, Information Technology, Utilities

  • Italy Expands the Scope of Mandatory Cyber Attacks Notifications and Develops Taxonomy
  • France Wants the EU to Develop a “Made in Europe” Industrial Policy to Counter US’ Inflation Reduction Act
  • New Stronger Rules For Physical And Cyber Threats Enter Into Force For EU Businesses And Critical Infrastructure


Community Area


  • 26 January – Los Angeles Cybersecurity Conference

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Weekly Intelligence Snapshot – Week 03

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