Weekly Intelligence Snapshot – Week 27, 2023

Major Spanish banks among specific targets for Neo_Net. We are tracking this Threat Actor on Telegram.

QuoIntelligence’s Weekly Intelligence Snapshot for the week of 29 June – 5 July 2023 is now available! Find a summary here and subscribe to our mailing list below if you want to receive regular updates from us!

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Cyber Highlights

Current threat

Neo_Net: eCrime Campaign against European Financial Institutions

Industry impacted: Financials

QuoIntelligence has been tracking a threat actor using the handle “Neo_Net” on Telegram who has been running a mobile malware campaign against several major European banks since June 2021. Focussing on specific banks at a time, Neo_Net sets up a phishing infrastructure combined with targeted Android trojans to lure victims into revealing their credentials and steal funds from compromised accounts. Mostly active in Spain, Neo_Net is also operating a Smishing-as-a-Service operation called “Ankarex” targeting several countries around the world.


Industries impacted: Financials, Government

  • New Malware Utilizes DNS TXT Record to Aid In Detection Evasion
  • New RustBucket Malware Variant Used in BlueNoroff Campaign With Improved Persistence Capabilities and Reduced Signature Detection
  • Chinese Threat Actors Use HTML Smuggling to Target Europe in SmugX Campaign
  • Meduza Stealer: Advanced Stealth Malware Poses Data Security Threat
  • Crysis Threat Actor Observed Installing Venus Ransomware Through Externally Exposed RDP
  • New Silentbob Campaign Targets Cloud Native Environments

Geo Highlights

China Issues New Rules To Respond To Western De-Risking Strategies

Industries impacted: Energy, Government, Information Technology, Materials

QuoIntelligence analyzes the impact of Beijing’s New Foreign Relations Law and Chinese export controls on two strategic metals in the framework of increasingly tense economic relations between China and the US.


Industries impacted: Energy, Government, Industrials, Information Technology

  • EU-NATO Task Force Releases Report On the Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
  • The European Commission Proposes New Rules For GDPR Enforcement

Community Area


  • 11 July – NATO Summit
  • 12 July – 20th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment – DIMVA 2023
  • 13 July – Cybersecurity Expo Manchester 2023

Latest Reports

(Sent to PREMIUM Customers only)

  • 4 July – Intel Assessment  IT and OT Based Threats to ICS Operations
    We analyze the current capabilities used to disrupt Industrial Control Systems (ICS) operations in the critical infrastructure sector and assess how they will evolve.
  • 21 May – Intel Briefing: Vice Society Operational Profile
    We look into the second most successful ransomware group of Q1 this year, known for its targeting of the education, healthcare, manufacturing, financial, energy, transportation, and retail sectors, as well as NGOs.
  • 26 May – Intel Assessment: AI: Risks and Challenges in Cyberspace and the Geopolitical Landscape 
    An in-depth evaluation of the reality of the threats the use of generative AI tools by threat actors pose. It also seeks to identify privacy and regulatory risks for businesses using such tools.

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Weekly Intelligence Snapshot – Week 27, 2023

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