Ransomware is here to stay and other cybersecurity predictions for 2022
Cybersecurity continues to be a pressing topic for organizations from all industries. And the ongoing rise of ransomware attacks will continue to pose a significant threat despite law enforcement disruption campaigns. What else does 2022 have in store?
Bundestagswahl: Phishing-Attacken und Desinformationskampagnen nehmen PolitkerInnen ins Visier
PolitikerInnen werden aus unterschiedlichen Gründen immer wieder von Cyber-Kriminellen attackiert. Besonders ausländische Akteure zeigen dabei großes Interesse an nationalen Wahlen. Momentan stehen Phishing-Attacken und Desinformationskampagnen zur Bundestagswahl hoch im Kurs.
German Election: Phishing Attacks and Disinformation Campaigns Target Parliament Members
Politicians are being targeted by cybercriminals all the time for a variety of reasons. Foreign threat actors show great interest in elections. Currently, the German election is under attack.
How To Minimize Cybersecurity Risks on Business Travels
Business travelers face a unique risk of being targeted by cybercriminals. This brief article collects our most valuable tips for business travels abroad and summarizes how to keep yourself and your devices secure.