QuoIntelligence Accredited With TeleTrusT Label “IT Security Made in Europe”

Teletrust Label IT security made in Europe

 We are happy to announce that the IT Security Association of Germany (TeleTrusT) accredited us with their label “IT Security Made in Europe”.

What is the label about?

The IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT) is a widespread competence network for IT security comprising members from industry, administration, consultancy and research as well as national and international partner organizations with similar objectives.

With a broad range of members and partner organizations TeleTrusT embodies the largest competence network for IT security in Germany and Europe.

The certification confirms the conformity with the association’s standards for IT security in Europe.

Why did we receive it?

The label is only given to organizations that meet the TeleTrusT standards which are:

  • The company’s headquarters are in the European Union.
  • The company offers trustworthy IT security solutions.
  • The products offered do not contain any hidden access.
  • The company’s IT security research and development takes place in the European Union.
  • The company undertakes to meet the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation. 

Certification TeleTrusT

Please find more information on the label here.

Besides this, QuoIntelligence received various other labels and accreditations in the past. See for yourself!

Tags :
Cyber Security,Cyber Security Made in Europe,ECSO,Label
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