Weekly Intelligence Snapshot – Week 2

This week, we cover Patch Tuesday. Microsoft addresses six zero-days and a wormable vulnerability, and Adobe and SAP address critical security flaws in multiple products. Additionally, read about the protests in Kazakhstan and their implications for organizations.
Weekly Intelligence Summary from QuoIntelligence

QuoIntelligence’s Weekly Intelligence Snapshot for the week of 6 – 12 January is now available! Find a summary here and subscribe to our mailing list below if you want to receive regular updates from us!

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Cyber Highlights:

Patch Tuesday: Microsoft Addresses Six Zero Days And A Wormable Vulnerability, Adobe And SAP Address Critical Security Flaws In Multiple Products

Microsoft, Adobe, and SAP released security patches for their respective January Patch Tuesdays. Notably, Microsoft addressed over 95 vulnerabilities including six publicly known vulnerabilities, considered zero-days, and a wormable remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability. Adobe and SAP also released patches for several critical vulnerabilities in their products.


Industry impacted: Communication Services, Consumer Discretionary, Financials, Government, Information Technology

  • FIN7: Russian APT Group Targeting US Companies With Malicious USB Devices
  • The Increasing Trend of Ransom DDoS Attacks in 2021
  • New NetUSB RCE Vulnerability Affecting Common Network Devices
  • Powerdir: Newly Patched macOS Vulnerability Allowed Access to User Data
  • SysJoker: A New Malware Backdoor Targeting Windows, Linux, and macOS


Geo Highlights

Kazakhstan Protests: Implications for Organizations

Industry impacted: Government

Unprecedented mass unrest in Kazakstan resulted in intervention by the Russia-led military alliance CSTO to help the government in stabilizing the country. Given Kazakhstan’s importance as an energy and materials exporter, instability in the country could further worsen the current energy crisis and metals shortage. In addition, similar protests in response to high energy prices could spark in other countries.


Industry impacted: Communication Services, Government

  • Authorities Target Facebook and Google with Fines and Lawsuits
  • Europe’s Data Protection Authority Orders Europol to Erase Data from Individuals with no Link to Criminal Activity
  • NATO Rejects Russian Security Demands, But is Open To More Diplomacy

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Weekly Intelligence Snapshot – Week 2

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