Safer Internet Day 2021: A Compilation of Organization’s Top 3 Digital Threats
In occasion of the #SaferInternetDay2021, we prepared a compilation of Top 3 Digital Threats organizations and their leaders should be aware of this year gathered in an infographic.
Cyber Security Trends in 2021: Espionage Activities Increasingly Threatening
In the following blog post, we will provide an overview of the major cyber security trends observed over 2020 and provide an outlook into potential developments in the coming year. Namely, we will address the ongoing COVID-19 threat, ransomware and phishing trends and especially focus on the increasing threat QuoIntelligence sees in industrial, political and military espionage for 2021.
Part II of V: Why Geopolitics is Integral to Cyber Threat Intelligence
In this second blog post in our series on Geopolitics in Cyber Threat Intelligence, we will explain what is meant by geopolitics, how it is intertwined with cybersecurity, and how QuoIntelligence includes geopolitics in its cyber threat intelligence analyses.
How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Affecting the Financial Cyber Threat Landscape
The cyber-threat landscape increased significantly this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic caused by accelerated digitization and the sudden shift to remote working. As the pandemic continues, the potential of an upcoming recession persists, possibly resulting in decreased budgets available for cybersecurity, as well as increasing alert fatigue.
COVID-19 Pandemic: Response Checklist for CIOs and CISOs
We outlined some recommended measures for CIOs and CISOs to help address the potential cyber security impact of the increase of remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic.