GOLDEN CHICKENS: Evolution of the MaaS

Latest Golden Chickens MaaS Tools Updates and Observed Attacks

Learn more about the Golden Chickens Malware-as-a-Service tool updates observed in recent malware campaigns against the financial, retail, and chemical sectors.

The Importance of Geopolitics for Cyber Threat Intelligence

The Importance of Geopolitics for Cyber Threat IntelligenceThe Importance of Geopolitics for Cyber Threat Intelligence

This post is the first in a series of five short blogposts, in which we will explain why geopolitics is an integral part of our cyber threat intelligence analyses. Each blogpost will outline an aspect of the importance of this approach for us, our clients, and the Cyber Threat Intelligence community.

WINNTI GROUP: Insights From the Past

WINNTI group quointelligence

Newly uncovered DNS tunnelling technique, and new campaign against South Korean gaming company Executive Summary In January 2020, QuoIntelligence (QuoINT) detected a new Winnti sample uploaded to a public virus scanner from a German location. Following our preliminary analysis, we assessed with high confidence that the sample was used to target a previously unreported German […]

Golden Chickens: Uncovering a Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) Provider

This blog post provides an overview on a specific Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) used within the e-Crime threat actor landscape. It also provides details on two different threat actors using the MaaS that fall under the umbrella of a family we dubbed Golden Chickens: GC01 and GC02.