QuoIntelligence receives quality assurance label “Cyber Security Made in Europe”

We are honored to announce that QuoIntelligence is among the first security companies to receive the quality label "Cyber Security Made in Europe" from the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO).
Image of the Cyber Security Made in Europe Label

We are honored to announce that QuoIntelligence is among the first security companies to receive the quality assurance label “Cyber Security Made in Europe” from the European Cyber Security Organization (ECSO).

What is the label about?

Founded in 2016, the ECSO is a multi-stakeholder, cross-sector, and pan Europe umbrella association for cybersecurity at an EU level. Its purpose is to achieve a cyber-resilient Europe-based digital sovereignty and increased strategic autonomy.

Why did we receive it?

The label “Cyber Security Made in Europe” not only identifies QuoIntelligence as a company founded upon European values but recognizes us as a trustworthy, reliable, and highly competent cybersecurity service provider.


QuoIntelligence constantly strives to be a trusted security and technology partner for our clients. Therefore, we are proud to bear the label and the trust and responsibility that it expresses. The ECSO label marks our daily effort and vision for cybersecurity in Europe.


Founder & CEO, QuoIntelligence

Companies with the label meet the following criteria:

  • headquarters are in Europe
  • majority of employees are in Europe  
  • the core market is Europe
  • compliance with the baseline security requirements for the procurement of secure ICT products and services by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) – download them here

QuoIntelligence fulfills all the criteria above. We research and develop our services and solutions in Europe. Our leaders and team are primarily based in Europe, and our headquarters are in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Please find more information about the award and its application process here.

Besides this, QuoIntelligence received various other labels and accreditations in the past. See for yourself!

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QuoIntelligence receives quality assurance label “Cyber Security Made in Europe”

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