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Threat Intelligence Snapshot: Week 1, 2025

Attackers exploit DLink router vulnerabilities, Palo Alto Patch For Vulnerability In PAN OS | NATO To Boost Baltic Sea Presence After Undersea Cables Broken

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Header Picture of the Article on Third-Party Cookies and their influence on Data Security

How the Demise of Third-Party Cookies Will Influence Data Security

The death of the third-party cookie is near. Introducing new privacy-friendly features and alternatives to increase data security.
featured image for article on facebook data leak and why brand protection matters

Facebook Data Leak: How Brand Protection Reduces Risks

An unsecured database consisting of 533 million Facebook users’ data was made publicly available last week and raises the necessity

Golden Chickens Compilation

Golden Chickens: A Compilation of our In-House Research

aSince uncovering the Malware-as-a-service provider “Golden Chickens” back in 2018, we are carefully tracking the evolution of the Golden Chickens

EU Council Adopts New Cybersecurity Strategy

The EU Council officially adopted conclusions for the new Cybersecurity Strategy. Check out our overview of the three focus areas!
China's Five-Year Plan

China’s Five-Year Plan: A Pursuit for GDP Growth & Technological Self-Sufficiency

QuoIntelligence analyzed China's 14th Five-Year Plan draft, which sets goals and strategies for developing the country's economy. Read our summary
10 Steps to Secure Your Organization Against Cybercrime

10 Steps To Secure Your Organization Against Cybercrime

IT security and rising cybercrime activities is a growing area of concern across many organizations. Here are ten essential areas,
How DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) has Changed the Threat Landscape and What Companies Can Do to Anticipate Evolving Risks

How DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) has Changed the Threat Landscape For Companies

DoH provides the benefit of communicating DNS information over an encrypted HTTPS connection but presents security issues for organizations.
Safer Internet Day 2021

Safer Internet Day 2021: A Compilation of Organization’s Top 3 Digital Threats

In occasion of the #SaferInternetDay2021, we prepared a compilation of Top 3 Digital Threats organizations and their leaders should be
Supply Chain Attack & Cybersecurity in 2021

Supply Chain Attacks, Cybersecurity & Regulations: What to Expect in 2021

Supply chain attacks are on the rise in 2021. The recent SolarWind breach and COVID-19 are only exacerbating supply chain

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