Trump’s Second Term: What It Means for Cybersecurity Policy and Cyber Threats
Donald Trump’s second term as the 47th President will influence US cybersecurity policy and the global threat landscape. QuoIntelligence explores projected shifts in cybersecurity policy priorities, heightened risks from state-sponsored threat actors, and the implications for organizations in strategic sectors.
From Geopolitics to Cyber Threats: Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea’s View on the 2024 US Election
The 2024 US presidential election is a key event in global geopolitics, with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea all eyeing it as an opportunity to advance their strategic interests. From cyber espionage to disinformation campaigns, these nations are likely to engage in state-sponsored cyber activities aimed at influencing election outcomes and shifting US foreign policy.
Ransomware is here to stay and other cybersecurity predictions for 2022
Cybersecurity continues to be a pressing topic for organizations from all industries. And the ongoing rise of ransomware attacks will continue to pose a significant threat despite law enforcement disruption campaigns. What else does 2022 have in store?
Bundestagswahl: Phishing-Attacken und Desinformationskampagnen nehmen PolitkerInnen ins Visier
PolitikerInnen werden aus unterschiedlichen Gründen immer wieder von Cyber-Kriminellen attackiert. Besonders ausländische Akteure zeigen dabei großes Interesse an nationalen Wahlen. Momentan stehen Phishing-Attacken und Desinformationskampagnen zur Bundestagswahl hoch im Kurs.
German Election: Phishing Attacks and Disinformation Campaigns Target Parliament Members
Politicians are being targeted by cybercriminals all the time for a variety of reasons. Foreign threat actors show great interest in elections. Currently, the German election is under attack.
How To Minimize Cybersecurity Risks on Business Travels
Business travelers face a unique risk of being targeted by cybercriminals. This brief article collects our most valuable tips for business travels abroad and summarizes how to keep yourself and your devices secure.
Shifting to Electric Vehicles: Impacts on Supply Chains, Semiconductors, and the Geopolitical Landscape
Countries around the world are creating frameworks to curb CO2 emissions, such as through banning petrol cars. These frameworks, as well as growing societal interest in climate change, will result in surging demand for Electric Vehicles in the coming years. We analysed how this rise in demand will impact cybersecurity, supply chains and the geopolitical landscape.
Safer Internet Day 2021: A Compilation of Organization’s Top 3 Digital Threats
In occasion of the #SaferInternetDay2021, we prepared a compilation of Top 3 Digital Threats organizations and their leaders should be aware of this year gathered in an infographic.
Supply Chain Attacks, Cybersecurity & Regulations: What to Expect in 2021
Supply chain attacks are on the rise in 2021. The recent SolarWind breach and COVID-19 are only exacerbating supply chain threats. More and more nations are working towards stringent frameworks to strengthen supply chain security. Read our article to find out which attack vectors, threat actors and new regulations to watch in 2021!
APT28 Delivers Zebrocy Malware Campaign using NATO Theme as Lure
Our declassified threat intelligence analysis on a APT28 spear phishing campaign delivering Zebrocy malware to target at least a government body in the Middle East using a NATO course as a lure.