Golden Chickens: A Compilation of our In-House Research
aSince uncovering the Malware-as-a-service provider “Golden Chickens” back in 2018, we are carefully tracking the evolution of the Golden Chickens (GC) Malware-as-a-Service provider (MaaS) and how different threat actors use it. Latest Golden Chickens Activity Lately, a new spear-phishing campaign is actively targeting LinkedIn members using personalized job offers as a lure. A threat actor […]
10 Steps To Secure Your Organization Against Cybercrime
IT security and rising cybercrime activities is a growing area of concern across many organizations. Here are ten essential areas, you should carefully focus your efforts on to succeed in cybersecurity.
APT28 Delivers Zebrocy Malware Campaign using NATO Theme as Lure
Our declassified threat intelligence analysis on a APT28 spear phishing campaign delivering Zebrocy malware to target at least a government body in the Middle East using a NATO course as a lure.
BlackWater Malware Leveraging Beirut Tragedy in New Targeted Campaign
You can find here the latest threat intelligence updates on the new BlackWater Malware campaign using the Beirut tragedy to lure targets.
GOLDEN CHICKENS: Evolution of the MaaS
Learn more about the Golden Chickens Malware-as-a-Service tool updates observed in recent malware campaigns against the financial, retail, and chemical sectors.
The Chicken Keeps Laying New Eggs: Uncovering New GC MaaS Tools Used By Top-tier Threat Actors
Golden Chickens: Uncovering a Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) Provider
This blog post provides an overview on a specific Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) used within the e-Crime threat actor landscape. It also provides details on two different threat actors using the MaaS that fall under the umbrella of a family we dubbed Golden Chickens: GC01 and GC02.