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Threat Intelligence Snapshot: Week 1, 2025

Attackers exploit DLink router vulnerabilities, Palo Alto Patch For Vulnerability In PAN OS | NATO To Boost Baltic Sea Presence After Undersea Cables Broken

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Teletrust Label IT security made in Europe

QuoIntelligence Accredited With TeleTrusT Label “IT Security Made in Europe”

We are happy to announce that the Federal Association for IT Security TeleTrusT accredited us with the label "IT Security

Bundestagswahl: Phishing-Attacken und Desinformationskampagnen nehmen PolitkerInnen ins Visier

PolitikerInnen werden aus unterschiedlichen Gründen immer wieder von Cyber-Kriminellen attackiert. Besonders ausländische Akteure zeigen dabei großes Interesse an nationalen Wahlen.

German Election: Phishing Attacks and Disinformation Campaigns Target Parliament Members

Politicians are being targeted by cybercriminals all the time for a variety of reasons. Foreign threat actors show great interest
Travel Risk Security

How To Minimize Cybersecurity Risks on Business Travels

Business travelers face a unique risk of being targeted by cybercriminals. This brief article collects our most valuable tips for

The Taliban in Afghanistan: Potential Implications for Europe

The situation in Afghanistan remains in flux, and key economic, political, and diplomatic issues continue to evolve. While these issues
Header Image for blogpost on Electric Vehicles and their impact on supply chains and geopolitics

Shifting to Electric Vehicles: Impacts on Supply Chains, Semiconductors, and the Geopolitical Landscape

Countries around the world are creating frameworks to curb CO2 emissions, such as through banning petrol cars. These frameworks, as

Factsheet ISO: Changes to ISO 27002 Include Addition of Threat Intelligence

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) recently presented updates to the ISO 27002 standard, which consolidates chapters and controls, as
Image of the Cyber Security Made in Europe Label

QuoIntelligence receives quality assurance label “Cyber Security Made in Europe”

We are honored to announce that QuoIntelligence is among the first security companies to receive the quality label "Cyber Security
Header Picture for DarkSide and the attack on Colonial Pipeline

Has DarkSide Dug Its Own Grave With the Ransomware Attack on Colonial Pipeline?

DarkSide's ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline has brought dark shadows over the group from inside the cybercriminals community. Will ransomware

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