Threat Intelligence Snapshot: Week 39, 2024

North Korean IT Workers Exploit Remote Employment for Cyber Operations and Revenue Generation | European Parliament Publishes Proposal on AI Liability Directive
European Election Security At Risk: A Detailed Analysis of State-Sponsored, eCrime, and Hacktivist Threats

The European parliamentary elections in June 2024 face multifaceted threats in an increasingly complex and polarized threat landscape.
Growing Tensions In the Middle East: High Risk Of Unintended Escalation

The global repercussions of the 7 October attack against Israel in regional security, geopolitics, and supply chains.
Analysis of The Red Cross’ Rules Of Engagement For Hacktivists

The new law-based rules for “civilian hackers” during war and the obligations of states to restrain them.
Hamas–Israel Crisis: Impact on Geopolitics and Cyber Threat Landscape for the European Energy Sector

Analysis of the Hamas-Israel crisis and the main cyber and geopolitical takeaways for European oil and gas companies
Global Energy Crisis: Impact of the Ukraine war

The war in Ukraine, together with the Western response to Russia’s actions, has accelerated and exacerbated the amplitude of the energy crisis because of Russia’s place as the world’s largest exporter of gas, crude oil, and refined products.
QuoIntelligence assesses the impact on the European energy sector.
QuoIntelligence listed as a Representative Vendor in 2021 Gartner® Market Guide for Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services

QuoIntelligence, a leading provider of cyber threat intelligence, today announced it has been identified as a Representative Vendor in the 2021 Gartner “Market Guide for Security Threat Intelligence Products and Services” report.
Ransomware is here to stay and other cybersecurity predictions for 2022

Cybersecurity continues to be a pressing topic for organizations from all industries. And the ongoing rise of ransomware attacks will continue to pose a significant threat despite law enforcement disruption campaigns. What else does 2022 have in store?
Bundestagswahl: Phishing-Attacken und Desinformationskampagnen nehmen PolitkerInnen ins Visier

PolitikerInnen werden aus unterschiedlichen Gründen immer wieder von Cyber-Kriminellen attackiert. Besonders ausländische Akteure zeigen dabei großes Interesse an nationalen Wahlen. Momentan stehen Phishing-Attacken und Desinformationskampagnen zur Bundestagswahl hoch im Kurs.
German Election: Phishing Attacks and Disinformation Campaigns Target Parliament Members

Politicians are being targeted by cybercriminals all the time for a variety of reasons. Foreign threat actors show great interest in elections. Currently, the German election is under attack.