Has DarkSide Dug Its Own Grave With the Ransomware Attack on Colonial Pipeline?
DarkSide’s ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline has brought dark shadows over the group from inside the cybercriminals community. Will ransomware operators have to adapt their approaches? What’s next?
China’s Five-Year Plan: A Pursuit for GDP Growth & Technological Self-Sufficiency
QuoIntelligence analyzed China’s 14th Five-Year Plan draft, which sets goals and strategies for developing the country’s economy. Read our summary of key-takeaways focusing closely on self-reliance in technology, GDP growth, national security, and more.
10 Steps To Secure Your Organization Against Cybercrime
IT security and rising cybercrime activities is a growing area of concern across many organizations. Here are ten essential areas, you should carefully focus your efforts on to succeed in cybersecurity.
Safer Internet Day 2021: A Compilation of Organization’s Top 3 Digital Threats
In occasion of the #SaferInternetDay2021, we prepared a compilation of Top 3 Digital Threats organizations and their leaders should be aware of this year gathered in an infographic.