E.K.P. & Agent Tesla: The Daily Operations of a Nigerian eCrime Gang

In late 2020, QuoIntelligence identified a malicious Word document.  The Word document contained technical indicators associated with an Agent Tesla malware campaign, a readily available Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that steals keystrokes and credentials. It ultimately...

Golden Chickens: A Compilation of our In-House Research

aSince uncovering the Malware-as-a-service provider “Golden Chickens” back in 2018, we are carefully tracking the evolution of the Golden Chickens (GC) Malware-as-a-Service provider (MaaS) and how different threat actors use it.  Latest Golden Chickens Activity...

GOLDEN CHICKENS: Evolution of the MaaS

Latest Golden Chickens MaaS Tools Updates and Observed Attacks Executive Summary Throughout March and April, QuoIntelligence observed four attacks utilizing various tools from the Golden Chickens (GC) Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) portfolio. We are now declassifying our...

Golden Chickens: Uncovering a Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) Provider

(Note: This article was initially written by the QuoINT Team as part of QuoScient GmbH. Since the foundation of QuoIntelligence in March 2020, this article was transferred to this website on 21 April 2020.  Executive Summary Over the last few years, QuoIntelligence...